
Today's data

This page shows a summary of the data since midnightlocal time
Temperature and humidity
High Temperature15.1 °Cat 00:00
Low Temperature13.6 °Cat 05:18
Temperature Range1.5°C 
High Apparent Temperature15.0 °Cat 03:47
Low Apparent Temperature13.4 °Cat 00:06
High Heat Index15.1 °Cat 00:00
Low Wind Chill13.7 °Cat 05:14
Maximum dew point11.5 °Cat 03:56
Minimum dew point10.4 °Cat 05:18
High Humidity82%at 03:28 
Low Humidity76%at 00:00
Heat degree days0.8 
Cool degree days0.0 
Rainfall Rate Max0.0 mm/hrat 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall0.0 mmat 00:00
Current Wet Spell0 Day 
Current Dry Spell6 Day 
Highest Gust9 mph/hrat 00:00
Highest Speed (10 minute average)6 mph (F2)at 00:05
Wind bearing282°at 00:00
Dominant DirectionW 
Wind Run11.5 miles 
Beaufort scaleF2Light breeze
Pressure (sea level)
High Pressure1015.5 mbat 00:00
Low Pressure1014.5 mbat 02:07

Page updated : 27/07/2024 05:18:08
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1089)

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Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware. Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.