Weather from Worle, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, UK.
Today's data
This page shows a summary of the data since
midnight | local time |
Temperature and humidity |
High Temperature | 4.4 °C | at 12:56 |
Low Temperature | 3.1 °C | at 07:41 |
Temperature Range | 1.3°C | |
High Apparent Temperature | 2.7 °C | at 11:53 |
Low Apparent Temperature | -1.6 °C | at 00:41 |
High Heat Index | 4.4 °C | at 12:56 |
Low Wind Chill | -0.4 °C | at 00:41 |
Maximum dew point | 2.3 °C | at 12:07 |
Minimum dew point | 1.1 °C | at 18:12 |
High Humidity | 88% | at 10:41 | |
Low Humidity | 85% | at 13:14 |
Heat degree days | 11.3 | |
Cool degree days | 0.0 | |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Rate Max | 0.0 mm/hr | at 00:00 |
High Hourly Rainfall | 0.0 mm | at 00:00 |
Current Wet Spell | 0 Day | |
Current Dry Spell | 9 Day | |
Wind |
Highest Gust | 10 mph/hr | at 00:41 |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) | 11 mph (F3) | at 00:41 |
Wind bearing | 170° | at 00:41 |
Dominant Direction | SSE | |
Wind Run | 49.6 miles | |
Beaufort scale | F3 | Gentle breeze |
Pressure (sea level) |
High Pressure | 1034.5 mb | at 00:00 |
Low Pressure | 1027.5 mb | at 15:33 |
Page updated : 18/01/2025 18:30:48
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1089)