
Station Screen

Measurement Units in use

Cloudbase units ft
Pressure Units mb
Rain Units mm
Temperature Units °C
Wind Units mph
Wind Run Units miles

New record set

Record temperature
Record wind
Record rainfall
Record humidity
Record pressure

Page updated : 27/07/2024 03:54:08
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1089)

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WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware.
Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware. Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.