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Welcome to Weston-super-Mare Weather Station

The weather station in use is the Oregon Scientific WMR88 and these pages are updated every 1 minute.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast : Fine weather

Conditions at local time 09:48 on 27 July 2024
Temperature and humidity
Temperature17.2 °CHumidity78%
Apparent Temperature16.9°CLast hour variation +1.4°C
Low Temperature12.7°CHigh Temperature17.2°C
Wet thermometer14.9°CLast hour variation (Rising)+1.6°C
Average Temperature14.4°CDew point13.3°C
WindchillnoChill hours1544.7
Humidex20.1°CHeat indexn/a
Rainfall rate0.0 mm/hrRainfall Today0.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour0.0 mmRainfall This Month45.0 mm
Rainfall since midnight0.0 mmRainfall This Year463.8 mm
Rainfall last 24h0.0 mmLast rainfall (6 Day, 16 Hour, 17 Min)2024-07-20 17:31
Current wind speed9 mphWind directionW
Wind Speed (gust)9 mphWind bearing260°
Wind speed (avg)4 mphWind bearing (avg)237°
Wind bearing range from170° (170°)to350° (350°)
Beaufort scaleF2Light breeze-
Wind Run23.9 miles 
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer1016.5 mb
Pressure trend0.3 mbRising slowly
Sun and Moon
Day length15:37Length of daylight16:59
Moon age21 Day  
SunnyNot Recorded UV index0
Current solar max566 W/m2Solar radiation0 - Not Recorded
Cloud base1583 ftIs sun upYes
Our Location
LatitudeN 51° 21' 07"Longitude-2.93278
Altitude3 ft  

Page updated : 27/07/2024 09:48:08
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1089)


Temperature : 17.2°C
Humidity : 78%
Wind Speed : 4 mph
Wind Direction : W

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Last read at 09:48:08

Eye On The Sky


Click image to enlarge or view timelapse.


Forecast: Fine weather

Forecast image
(next 12 hours)

Moon phase

Forecast icon

Phase : Waning Gibbous
Moon visible at 59%

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WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware.
Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is funded entirely by me and costs hundreds of £ s a year to maintain and run the hardware. Please donate to help with the ongoing running costs.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.

WestonWeather is powered by Octopus Energy. Sign up to Octopus Energy via this link to earn a £ 50 bill credit.